#4: Nourishing Care Ecologies with Jamie Garcia and Alas
[This event was broadcast on Tuesday, June 7, 2022]
Care is costly and a necessary investment in our current world design that centers domination and control for the wellbeing of whiteness & colonial cultures.
However, many communities are currently building and living into networks of care centering life-affirming and loving practices. Join Jamie Garcia and Alas as they talk about their work on the frontlines of COVID + communities surviving colonialism, genocide, and ableism.
Jamie Garcia, Registered Nurse
Jamie Rae Garcia is a registered nurse working for 13yrs in the community of Boyle. For over a decade she has been organizing w the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition. She help facilitate the 1st campaign against Data Driven Policing succesfully dismantling LAPDS Predpol and Operation LASER programing. She also helped facilitate the Coalitiin articulation of the intersection of land and policing resulting in a new report entitled Automating Banishment: The Surveillance and Policing of looted of land. Jamie currently has transitioned her organizing work w the Coalition into looking at the Intersection of Public Health n Surveillance. She now spends her time studying and unpacking how white supremacy and system of domination are inherent in western medicine practices and systems Jamie hopes to build w community a new expansion system of community care and wellbeing.